I work on K3S kuberentes cluster on ubuntu.

Local IP address
public IP address :
ip loadbalancer :

I build an Nginx with the k3sdomain.com domain on my K3S cluster.

I can access my k3sdomain.com from my machine and another computer in a local network, simply type k3sdomain.com through the browser, but I need to put my hostname On another /etc/hosts machine.

something like this: k3sdomain.com

But it is so ridiculous if I have many clients and need to configure every client host, and how if they access through phone, etc.

I came up with how to build a DNS server and connect to my Nginx cluster, so I followed this https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-domain-name-service-dns instruction. I changed the nameserver IP address many times to make sure I put the correct IP. I switched to local IP:, public: or even my load balancer IP address, but it is not working.

Maybe I don't get the concept. But please let me know your thought.

  1. is it normal if we can not ping our hostname or Ip load balancer from the local machine/localhost?

    ping k3sdomain.com ping

it will not work, but I can ping from another machine

Thank you.

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