The ESXi's IPsec commands require the encryption/integrity keys be inputted in plaintext from the command line. This is not recommended security practice. The command line history is even logged to /var/log/shell.log.

So how can I hide the keys?

$ esxcli network ip ipsec sa add --help
Usage: esxcli network ip ipsec sa add [cmd options]

  add                   Add a Security Association.

Cmd options:
                        Encryption algorithm for the Security Association. Should be one
                        in set [null, 3des-cbc, aes128-cbc]. (required)
                        Encryption key(ASCII or hex). Length of hex key is dependent upon
                        algorithm used. Required when a encryption algorithm has been
                        Integrity algorithm for the Security Association. Should be one in
                        set [hmac-sha1, hmac-sha2-256]. (required)
                        Integrity key(ASCII or hex). Length of hex key is dependent upon
                        algorithm used. (required)
                        Ipv6 address of Security Association destination. Can be specified
  • 364
  • 1
  • 10

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