I created the nginxproxymanager docker compose file and volume mount points outside of portainer.

/home/user/docker/nginxproxymanager/data, letsencrypt, docker-compose.yaml

And portainer, while being able to start and stop the service, display IP and gateway IP, add networks, I still would want full control over this container.

For example I cannot go into CLI (please correct me if the cause is not becase of the container being created outside of portainer), edit the yaml and so on.

Is there a way, for me to move the existing data, /letsencrypt and /data into the portainer volume portainer_data, then redefine the mount points in the compose yaml inside portainer and redeploy the nginxproxy manager?

Thank you for looking.

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1 Answers1


I am in a similar scenario, and the only thing that I can think of is to create volumes within Portainer (for me they're in /var/lib/docker/volumes) and move my external volumes into the corresponding Portainer volumes, and then when creating the stack in Portainer (using the previous docker compose files) use the new Portainer volume instead of the previous volumes. (sorry not enough reputation to just comment)

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