I'm running Dovecot 2.2 (via Mail-in-a-Box) on Ubuntu (LAN) and have several Samsung devices with the stock Email app. All are running the same version. Sometimes, I notice that if I'm deleting email throughout the day, I'll check one and notice one of the emails is still there as unread, while it's gone on all other devices (even gone from desktop clients running emClient).

Pull-down refresh does not sync it. The only way is to either 1) read/delete the message again, or 2) force the app to re-sync by changing a sync-period, by which it forces the app to re-sync.

I understand the Samsung Email app isn't great, and before I switch to another app, is there anything that can be done about this quirk? Are there any optimal settings for Dovecot? The issue happens entirely on LAN, and wifi signal is excellent. Thanks.

Ryan Peters
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