I am running Neo4J and Postfix and more services on a Cent OS 7 (I know, we need to update that) based Server.

Due to a warning for starting

a Neo4J instance

(WARNING: Max 1024 open files allowed, minimum of 40000 recommended.)

and to pretty hard-to-track-down fork issues of


(the daemon already says: postfix/master[1817]: warning: master_spawn: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable -- throttling and on sending > 80 mails I am getting problems in my shell for any command (top or ps -aux | grep postfix | wc -l: -bash: fork: retry: No child processes:)

I am trying to increase the file limit among other measures.

How can I do this with fs.file-max = 40000 in /etc/sysctl.conf when I get the error message (for sudo sysctl -p): "fs.file-max": No such file or directory?



ulimit -Sn

I also have increased the limits in /etc/security/limits.conf:

*                soft    nproc           65535
*                hard    nproc           65535

*                soft    nofile          40000
*                hard    nofile          40000

but I can also read in this file:

#This file sets the resource limits for the users logged in via PAM.
#It does not affect resource limits of the system services.

I know answers to similar questions, but I did not see a solution for this error message yet.

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