im new here!

Ive just set up a cluster which use keepalived to maintain vIP, and haproxy as a loadbalancer proxy. In my keepalived track script configuration, i let keepalived decise the master node by checking haproxy process:

vrrp_script check_haproxy {
    script "killall -0 haproxy"  
    interval 1
    weight 2

And they re working fine, but now i want to reduce the time interval lower, 100ms or even 10ms. I did test with the value interval 0.1 or interval 0.01 but when i check log by tailf /var/log/message, the log updates the check script status each 1 second. So i suppose 1 second is the lowest.

Is there a way to lower the interval? Or please could someone tell if there is an alternative way to implement such idea!? Thanks!

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