Re-introduction of health checks with depends_on in docker compose is amazing. Seriously was tired of writing health checks into every downstream container, especially things like a database initialization container.

That said, it seems as soon as I enable a health check/depends on, all output from those containers is buffered until the health check succeeds. Worse - if the container fails to start for some reason, the output is swallowed altogether, and you have to poke around with docker logs to get the output.

So if I have a docker compose file something like:

    image: mysql:8.0
      test: [ "CMD", "mysql", "-u", "username", "--password=password", "-e", "show databases;" ]
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 2s
      retries: 8640
      start_period: 20s

    image: centos:8
        condition: service_healthy
    command: [ "-c", "echo \"mysql up\"" ]
    entrypoint: "bash"

Is there a way to get the mysql and health-check-check container output to compose stdout

  • a) before the health checks are complete (i.e. unbuffered)
  • b) regardless of health check success/failure
  • 155
  • 8

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