I have already allocated 3 VPS for an initial multiple timezone cluster.
- 12 single-core vCPUs
- ≈50 GB RAM
- ≈1TB SSD storage
- 1 EST,1 CST,& 1 PST
Before I jump in however, I would like to know if there are there any major differences in resource usage between leader and contributor nodes?
- Do leader nodes hold containers/replicas or simply orchestrate the contributor nodes (thus saving storage in ratio to contributors running containers and holding images, at least in theory).
- Are there other workload splits between leader/contributors that would likewise cause a uneven ratio in either RAM or vCPU usage between nodes based on their leader/contributor roles respectively?
If I can provision a leader server that uses fewer resources than either its contributor node counterpart by ratio, especially in the storage department, then I may add another server as leader before initial deploy for three way, cross zone contributor load balancing, etc.