When running dnf upgrade it only shows the new version of a package about to be upgraded. But I would like to see what the currently installed version of the package is too. Without having to go look up the installed packages etc. Basically I would like to add a column to the upgrade/update list that gets shown when I get asked if it should continue or not.

Currently it looks like

Package         Arch        Version         Repository      Size

But I would like to add a column of Installed Version like this

Package         Arch        Installed Version       Version         Repository      Size

Is this possible to do in dnf at the moment or is it something that would have to be added to the code? Tried to google it but couldn't find anything about this.

Edit: Thought that I could give you a few reasons why this would be helpful, and I came up with this right of off my head. If you know more reasons please enlighten me!

  • That you can see what typ of upgrade your getting. Like if it is a Major/Minor/Patch. So you can be al little more prepared on what your getting yourself into when saying yes on the continuation question.
  • If you are managing multiple servers/computers and upgrade them, you can more easily see if they are on different versions to begin with. Which could mean that the update could impact differently.
  • I don't see anything either. The old version is logged in the history after the package is updated, but that might not help you very much. – Michael Hampton Sep 02 '21 at 13:19
  • Not what you asked for, but with a little script/pipe you could `dnf check-upgrade -q`, then `cut` the package names out and `rpm -q ` ... and format the output columns however you like. – rickhg12hs Sep 03 '21 at 14:27
  • @rickhg12hs Well I guess I could do that. but it feels like one of those times where you'd end up spending way more time on automating a task than it takes to just check it manually. Fitting [xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1319/). ;) – BitGen01100000 Sep 07 '21 at 06:36
  • Y M M V :-) ;-) – rickhg12hs Sep 07 '21 at 16:55

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