I was accessing a site daily until this morning. Now I cannot ping the site through ping on my pfsense firewall or on a client behind the firewall. I have made no changes to the firewall.

If I bypass the firewall I can access the site OK https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.

Running wireshark from a client I can see the DNS request:

Info: Standard query 0x0cf2 Server failure A https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

I tried changing the default (empty) nameservers in pfsense to, and (all 3, in that order), but this made no difference.

I cleared the arp table, rebooted pfsense.

I cant see any blocks in the firewall on the website i am accessing.

If I filter the firewall logs on the destination IP address I can see WAN rule 'let out anything from firewall host itself - ICMP and UDP' and I can resolve the URL in the table.

Here is ping result from Diagnostics/Ping in pfsense:

PING ( from my_internal_LAN_IP: 56 data bytes

--- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss

If I do DNS Lookup from pfsense using the IP as hostname O get the website URL - so that works OK

Result Record type www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov PTR Timings Name server Query time 194 msec

If I do traceroute to hostname in pfsense, I can see hop out to my ISP then 14 more hops around the ISP then it stops. But when I connect without going through pfsense I can connect fine.

Any ideas?

  • What makes you think it's the firewall or its DNS configuration? Could it be a problem with the site? It's hard to tell when you don't disclose the site. Also, the amount of details in the question aren't sufficient to reproduce nor debug the problem. – Esa Jokinen Jul 10 '21 at 09:10
  • I added the website, i can access it fine when i bypass the firewall – proximacentauri Jul 10 '21 at 09:26
  • 1
    DNS and HTTP work for that site, but not ping/traceroute. I think they are likely dropping ICMP. pfsense may not like misconfigured sites. – stark Jul 10 '21 at 12:09

1 Answers1


Site is working now though pfsense, difficult to work out what issue was.