
I can find a lot tutorials on the web for setting up an reverse SSH tunnel.

  ssh -p2000 -fNC -R 10011:localhost:22.user@proxy.de

But how I can become an SSH connection on my local server? I like to set up a connection from proxy(has a public IP) to localhost(which is in my home network) through the SSH reverse tunnel . I need to type from anywhere SSH commands on my localhost.

Thanks for your help Stefan

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1 Answers1


Without knowing about SSH reverse proxies, are you trying from another machine/the "proxy server" (?) to connect to a local/'private' hostname of 'localhost' that maps to the local/'private' 'loopback' address that resolves to (IPv4) '' (or 127.x.x.x even) or (IPv6) '::1', when the loopback address 'resolves'/equates to the local machine, and possibly only if you have a "localhost" entry within your (*NIX - UNIX/Linux) '/etc/hosts' or (Windows) 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts' file.

If so, you'd might need to target the proper 'hostname' that is mapped to a proper 'private' IP address (i.e. the one assigned to the NIC/network card) - if they are both on the same network, otherwise possibly a 'public' IP address - unless NAT (Network Address Translation - private IP to public IP conversion/replacement for outgoing & vice versa for incoming) is in place to handle this for you.