I am not a sysadmin or a network administrator (I am a software developer). Working on a project I have to understand more in details the meaning of a log obtained from a pfSense instance.

I am using these documentation links in order to better undersatnd the meaning of these log entries:

I am obtaining entries like this (related to an UDP request):

Jun  2 11:00:11 filterlog: 5,,,1000000103,vtnet0,match,block,in,4,0x0,,54,36357,0,DF,17,udp,196,,,500,500,176

I put the content of this entry on multiple lines trying to comment the meaning of each single field:

Jun  2 11:00:11 (DATE-TIMESTAMP)
filterlog: 5,,,         (What 5 mean? Why is it followed by 3 "," character? are empty fields?)
           vtnet0       (ON THE vtnet0 INTERFACE),
           match,       (REASON OF LOG ENTRY)
           block,       (ACTION TAKEN: block or pass)
           in,          (TRAFFIC DIRECTION: in or out)
           4,           (IP VERSION: 4 for IPv4 or 6 for IPv6)
           0x0,,        (???)
           54,          (???)
           36357,       (???)
           0,           (???)
           DF,          (???)
           17,          (???)
           udp,         (PROTOCOL, IN THIS CASE IT WAS AN UDP REQUEST)
           196,         (???)
 ,  (SOURCE IP ???)
 ,    (DESTINATION IP ???)
           500,         (SOURCE PORT???)
           500,         (DESTINATION ???)
           176          (???)

I marked with ??? where I have no idea of the field meaning. In particular I have a lot of doubt on an important info related the source and the destination port (I think that it is 500 but I am absolutly not sure and this is an important info for me).

Can you help me to better understand these fields meaning?

  • 1
    The [raw filter format](https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/monitoring/logs/raw-filter-format.html) page that you linked to does list what all these fields contain. Maybe you can phrase a more precise question (or questions) about anything that remains unclear instead of leaving a lot of things with "???" as you have at least a label for what every field is? – Håkan Lindqvist Jun 02 '21 at 11:57

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