After a user is logged into Horde (v5.2.22), he is taken to the portal dashboard. I wonder if it is possible to automatically take logged users to the Imp application (webmail), so that they do not have to do a click to see their email messages.

This is the portal dashboard. If the user clicks on any of the mail panels, he goes to the webmail application.

Horde portal

And this is the webmail app (Imp), that is where I would like logged users would be taken after a successful log in:

Imp webmail

Best wishes,

Jesús Ángel
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1 Answers1


In the folder where you have horde's prefs.php file, go ahead and create a parallel file with these contents:

$_prefs['initial_application']['value'] = 'imp';

Note the "<?php" at the start of the file. If this file already exists with some other content, then you just need the one line containing "initial_application"

  • I appreciate your answer. I added the $_prefs['initial_application']['value'] = 'imp'; to /etc/horde/horde/prefs.local.php and it did the trick. – Jesús Ángel Dec 22 '21 at 12:41