I have 2 member servers on my domain that are getting an event 8018 which looks like this:

Log Name: System Source: Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client Date: 4/21/2016 10:57:23 AM Event ID: 8018 Task Category: (1028) Level: Warning Keywords: User: NETWORK SERVICE Computer: Computer.domain.local Description: The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter with settings: Adapter Name : {58413179-8931-4FFB-9764-DD65696FCC74} Host Name : ComputerName Primary Domain Suffix : domain.local DNS server list : x.x.x.x, x.x.x.x Sent update to server : IP Address(es) : x.x.x.x

The reason the system could not register these RRs was because the DNS server contacted refused the update request. The reasons for this might be (a) you are not allowed to update the specified DNS domain name, or (b) because the DNS server authoritative for this name does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol.

To register the DNS host (A or AAAA) resource records using the specific DNS domain name and IP addresses for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.

These 2 servers are joined to my domain and are in Active Directory. When I go to do an ipconfig /registerdns on these 2 servers I get this error. I went into my DNS server on my Domain Controller and set the DNS updates to Secure and Nonsecure. When I got back to the ipconfig /registerdns and then check the event log again it gives me an event 8012 saying that it couldn't update the PTR record but checking the DNS it shows the A record updated.

If these 2 servers are joined to the domain why are they not sending secure DNS updates for A records?

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  • Are the computer accounts for these servers listed on the Security tab of the corresponding A record with Read, Write, and Special permissions? If not then delete the A records and run ipconfig/registerdns again after setting the zone back to secure. – joeqwerty Apr 30 '21 at 16:24
  • @joeqwerty Yes they are on the security tab. Problem is if I set it back to secure the records aren't made. And I get the permission error. – JukEboX May 03 '21 at 11:41

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