OS: Ubuntu 18.04

Cron: cron/bionic,now 3.0pl1-128.1ubuntu1 amd64

System timezone is: America/Los_Angeles (PST)

I want to set timezone of an EXECUTION TIME (not the timezone for the script) for specific job to America/New_York (EST).

Example: I want the script to execute at 3pm (EST-New_York) which is 12pm (PST-Los_Angeles, local system time)

Tried, with no success:

0 15 * * * CRON_TZ=America/New_York /script/path/here

0 15 * * * CRON_TZ="America/New_York" /script/path/here

0 15 * * * TZ=America/New_York /script/path/here

0 15 * * * TZ="America/New_York" /script/path/here

0 15 * * * CRON_TZ=America/New_York /script/path/here

0 15 * * * /script/path/here

0 15 * * * /script/path/here

0 15 * * * /script/path/here

0 15 * * * /script/path/here

Is there a solution to this at all?

  • 1
  • Why not `0 0 * * *`? (Or perhaps `0 12 * * *`-- depends on what 12pm is supposed to mean - strictly speaking there is only `noon` and `midnight` at 12 sharp) – Hagen von Eitzen Apr 05 '21 at 20:01
  • @HagenvonEitzen I want to set time according to EST while the local system is PST. – smoke Apr 06 '21 at 03:11

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