I am not a hardware expert and am seeking help from them. I bought a Dell PowerEdge T105 server to run a Hyper-V setup for my Dev work. I did not want the OS from them as I already have the OS. So when I configured it on Dell's website I chose it without the OS and when I got it and tried to enable the Hyper-V role on Windows 2008 it gave me an error saying that I have to enable the Virtualization option in the BIOS. To my dismay that option was not there. I called Dell and they said that I would require another processor (AMD Opteron 1214 2.2 GHz Dual Core Processor for Dell PowerEdge T105 Server) instead of what I have. It's going to cost me $289.00 so I checked around locally and the processor was selling for $105, but it came in two options 65W and 103W. I have two questions - which processor should I buy for this? I could not find any information anywhere as to the wattage of the processor and if I put this new processor does the BIOS have to be updated or the Virtualization option would show up in the current BIOS version? I really appreciate any input on this as I sitting with this machine not able to use it for my purpose. Thanks.

2 Answers2


Processor manufacturers are constantly making improvements to processors.

The two you see are the same processor, but the former is much more efficient (consumes almost half the power).

Fahad Sadah
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The 65W version is actually called the 1214HE (high efficiency) and is quite a few months newer than the 103W version - if you want to buy a new processor you should go for the HE version as it'll run cooler, use less power and perhaps last longer if that's of concern.

What I would say though is that if you're prepared to pay $290 just for an old dual-core processor then you should consider spending and extra $80 more, as for that much you can buy a newer FOUR-core T105 (Clicky) that will be much quicker for Hyper-V and you're effectively getting a second PC for $80 - does that make sense?

EDIT Sorry, the dell.com site sent me to the dell.co.uk site so the prices and links I provided are invalid sorry. That said the idea still stands, you could consider a new machine for not much more than the price of that old processor, I'll come back with some US-specific pricing when dell let me :)

Edit 2 - this T110 machine is a little more than my earlier, wrong, example but is actually a better processor anyway.

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  • Thanks Chopper3. I am not prepared to pay $290 to Dell, but am going to get from a third party for $120. Since I already have the T105 machine delivered, I cannot exchange it for the T110. All I want to make sure is that if I get the 1214HE, can I use it on the motherboard that has the 1214 currently. –  Jan 24 '10 at 20:29