I'm attempting to batch create some users from a file using the newusers util on ubuntu 18.

When running in cron as the root user, nothing happens. When I run the command manually, it works as expected and creates the users in the file. Heres my crontab, running every minute to test:

*/1 * * * * newusers /tmp/ftp_users.txt

Running it manually like this is fine newusers /tmp/ftp_users.txt.

I have no idea what I'm missing to get this command to run in cron.

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2 Answers2


You have to use the full path in cronjobs. So find out the full path to news users (/bin/newusers/) or whatever it is, and place that in your cronjob. You can find the full path by typing

which newusers
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Check the mail cron sends to root containing the console output of your command. This will tell you what went wrong.

Tilman Schmidt
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