I have a Mysql Master server and a few MariaDB slaves connected to it. I have an issue in that my disk usage on the slaves have gone a bit mad. My master server is 163GB with bin log files of 100Mb each ranging from bin.001260 to bin.001357.

On my slaves I am using 294GB with my bin logs file of around 1.1GB each ranging from bin.000001 to bin.000208.

Is the fact that the names are not consistent a problem? How do I go about freeing up the space on the slaves? My expire_logs_days = 10 days but the binlogs on the slaves go back a few months for some reason.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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2 Answers2


Check server_id on each machine (in my.cnf). If they are the same, the data is going round and round forever.

Rick James
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So it looks like I could just delete the old files that have already been processed. For some reason the max_expire logs doesn't seem to be working as I expected.

There are no duplicate ID's on the servers. No adverse effects on my setup after manually deleting the old files

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