I would like to run a service inside a chroot in a NetBSD 9.1 amd64 system. The service runs if invoked from OS. The service in question is dendrite-monolith-server. I just copied the file for ease of use to start sitting inside the chroot in /bin/.

# ldd bin/start 
        -lpthread.1 => /usr/lib/libpthread.so.1
        -lc.12 => /usr/lib/libc.so.12

They are hard linked:

# ls -l usr/lib
total 8560
-r--r--r--  2 root  pe  2079984 Feb 22 23:40 lc.12
-r--r--r--  2 root  pe  2079984 Feb 22 23:40 libc.so.12
-r--r--r--  2 root  pe    93656 Feb 22 23:40 libpthread.so.1
-r--r--r--  2 root  pe    93656 Feb 22 23:40 lpthread.1

In the chroot /dev, did MAKEDEV all to create the devices.

Copied ld.elf_so to the chroot /libexec directory

# ls -l /libexec/
total 324
-r-xr-xr-x  1 0  1000  164344 Feb 22 23:47 ld.elf_so

ksh93 is statically linked:

# chroot ./ /bin/ksh93
# /bin/start 
/bin/ksh93: /bin/start: not found

What's wrong or missing?

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1 Answers1


I ended up untarring the base.tar.xz package of the NetBSD installation sets to a new directory, copy the contents of the web service to there and it ran.

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