I have a file server that has a pretty large folder tree. There's a shared folder, under that are 5 departmental folders. Nested inside of those are thousands of subfolders and files.
I would like to be able to trace growth of those 5 departmental folders. There are certain particular sub-sub-sub folders I'd also like to keep an eye on. This is so that, if I suddenly see my disk utilization % skyrocket, I can have a clue as to what folder this growth happened in, so I can drill down and discover whodunnit.
I thought about writing some sort of vb or powershell script (which would require learning the lang) to do a DU of each folder and then write out a table to a file or something. But I'm thinking this is reinventing the wheel because somebody has to have solved this before. Is anyone aware of a (hopefully freeware/OSS) solution to graphing various folders in a filesystem?