Hi I have a Linux VM and it has been automatically deallocated about 7 times today. The activity log does not show this. I don't know why this is happening. But it is rendering the VM basically unusable. I'm being made to pay to create a technical support ticket. Can anyone help here? (I'm sure you need more information, but I'm afraid I don't know where to look for you, as I said the activity log doesn't mention the deallocation, although I know I saw this information somewhere). Thanks John OMG, now I see that Azure sent me here but this isn't even an Azure website. Hilarious. Please disregard this post. I'm paying for a service and Microsoft should support it...

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  • The most common reason for a VM being deallocated is that you have reached a limit on your subscription, are you using a free sub, or have a a spending limit or amount of free credit that may have run out? – Sam Cogan Feb 12 '21 at 13:41

1 Answers1


Please make sure you select 'No' on Azure Spot Instance option when creating the VM.

Azure Spot Instance allows you to have a VM at a much lower price because Azure may have excessive resource from time to time, but it can evict (shutdown) your VM at any time when it needs its resource back.


Other reasons may include your payment method is invalid or you have ran out of free credits as mentioned by Sam.