When running a kubectl command using the bitnami/kubectl image from inside a kubernetes (EKS based) cluster I am expecting the command to pick up the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT environment variables and connect to the local cluster to run commands. Specifically I am using this to run some housekeeping kubernetes cronjobs on the cluster but the container just errors out (and ends up in a crashBackoff loop).

The error message from the container logs is as follows:

The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

The localhost:8080 is particularly odd since this has never been in use and is not configured anywhere that I am aware of - switching to a simple shell command allows the job to run successfully but kubectl refuses to work. Running env confirms that the KUBE variables are indeed being injected and set correctly. The only recent change was moving these jobs to be managed by the terraform kubernetes cronjob resource rather than directly via a YAML file. Each cronjob is associated with a service account with appropriate permissions and that is still correctly configured in the cronjob.

For reference, here is a slightly redacted version of the cronjob:

resource "kubernetes_cron_job" "test_cronjob" {
  provider = kubernetes.region

  metadata {
    name = "test-cronjob"
    namespace = "default"
  spec {
    concurrency_policy = "Allow"
    failed_jobs_history_limit = 5
    schedule = "*/5 * * * *"
    job_template {
      metadata {}
      spec {
        backoff_limit = 2
        parallelism = 1
        completions = 1
        template {
          metadata {}
          spec {
            container {
              name    = "kubectl"
              image   = "bitnami/kubectl"
              command = ["/bin/sh", "-c", <<-EOT
                                            env && echo "test";    
            restart_policy = "OnFailure"
            service_account_name = "sa-test"
Adam C
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1 Answers1


The error message here is less than helpful, it implies that the issue lies with a misconfigured host and port for the cluster, but the root problem is actually a lack of credentials, despite the configured service account.

To explain, the pod spec which is part of the job contains the automount_service_account_token setting which defaults to false with Terraform. I suspect when previously managing these with YAML files this was being set to true by default.

The reason for the cryptic error is that in the absence of valid credentials, kubectl seems to fall back to trying the "insecure option" which, as mentioned in the docs, defaults to localhost and port 8080. It is reporting the error after trying that insecure option as a last resort rather than calling out a lack of credentials or giving a more helpful unauthorised error instead. After some digging it seems that this is actually an issue with the underlying client-go library, and it has surfaced in other ways see this issue.

To fix this, simply set the automount_service_account_token back to true like so:

resource "kubernetes_cron_job" "test_cronjob" {
  provider = kubernetes.region

  metadata {
    name = "test-cronjob"
    namespace = "default"
  spec {
    concurrency_policy = "Allow"
    failed_jobs_history_limit = 5
    schedule = "*/5 * * * *"
    job_template {
      metadata {}
      spec {
        backoff_limit = 2
        parallelism = 1
        completions = 1
        template {
          metadata {}
          spec {
            automount_service_account_token = true
            container {
              name    = "kubectl"
              image   = "bitnami/kubectl"
              command = ["/bin/sh", "-c", <<-EOT
                                            env && echo "test";    
            restart_policy = "OnFailure"
            service_account_name = "sa-test"
Adam C
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