Hello all and thank you for your time.
I have a domain that is managed my Google Domains. I Added a subdomain as per Googles Documentation
I have given it nearly 48 hours and I still cannot access the subdomain and / or add a cert to the subdomain ( Lets Encrypt states "DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A for couchdb.livestalk.org - check that a DNS record exists for this domain" )
I checked https://check-your-website.server-daten.de/?q=livestalk.org and it appears that the CNAME has been updated in the DNS but its showing Name Error?
I also attempted to Add a Subdomain like John mentioned Here: Adding a subdomain on Google Domains but still had no luck...
Any recommendations on how to get the subdomain to work with Google Domains is greatly appreciated. Never had this issue with any other domain manager.