I’m able to query the default document list in IIS using the following PowerShell code:

Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter "//defaultDocument/files/add" -PSPath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' -Name "value" | select value

…but I want to disable the default document feature altogether to address a vulnerability. I’ve not found much on disabling the feature via PowerShell but MS documentation says the following can be run to remove a value:

remove-webconfigurationproperty /system.webServer/defaultDocument -name files -atElement @{value="foo.html"}

Is this really the only way to disable the feature? I’ve not found anything that suggests it can simply be disabled like you can in the IIS administration console.

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2 Answers2


To remove features from IIS, you should the Dism cmdlets, in your case:

Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName IIS-DefaultDocument

If you want to disable it inside of IIS for the whole server, you can use:

Set-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'  -filter "system.webServer/defaultDocument" -name "enabled" -value "False"
Peter Hahndorf
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  • Thanks so much. Works a treat! Is this process documented anywhere? I've been searching the web for some time now and not found the above or anything near to this! – jshizzle Nov 24 '20 at 18:24
  • I don't think every possible configuration change in IIS is documented, I just know it pretty well, so I can figure out how to do things based on previous experience. – Peter Hahndorf Nov 24 '20 at 18:29
  • Ok thanks. I like to get a good understanding of how to do the things I want but as mentioned, didn't find a lot for this cmdlet. Thanks again. – jshizzle Nov 24 '20 at 18:32

If you want to disable only for 1 site, use the following code:

Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter "system.webserver/defaultdocument" -pspath "IIS:\sites\Default Web Site" -name "enabled" -Value "False"

Replace Default Web Site with the name of the site you want to disable

Credit to Peter for the original answer