I have a colleague who uses RCN (no idea if that's relevant). When he runs traceroute on a private IP address like, it seems to get routed to some "public" machine. For example, he gets output like:

ip-192-168-1-1 (
ip-10-16-0-1 (
...aggr1.<cityA>.<stateA>.rcn.net (207.172....)
...core1.<cityB>.<stateB>.rcn.net (207.172....)
...aggr1.<cityC>.<stateC>.rcn.net (207.172....)
port-chan32.grg-cbr2.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.net (
ip-10-22-32-136 (

Am I misreading the trace or is this IP (which is designated as a private IP) being routed to a public machine? What kind of configuration would cause this on his end?

We both use the same VPN on our computers for work. But if I ping or traceroute, it's unreachable (I use Comcast as an ISP, in case it's relevant). So I don't think it's a VPN configuration.

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1 Answers1


Welcome to NAT444. That is likely intentional, IPv4 addresses are exhausted.

Demand IPv6 to restore end to end connectivity. And easy to read traceroutes.

John Mahowald
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