I am writing a script to export all computer LAPS ms-Mcs-AdmPwd values to KeePass to allow historical logging.

I have a few machines for whatever reason a few objects have no password set. However I am getting a value back. It is not $null or "".

$LAPSPWD = Get-AdmPwdPassword ServerName
Write-Host $LAPSPWD.password

$LAPSPWD -eq $null
$LAPSPWD -eq ""

When running this I get two false responses.

How do I determine what is being returned, so I can make it an IF statement exception to handle further processing?

I get the same response if I use the LAPS PS module (Example Above) or Query the directory(Example Below)

$computer = Get-ADComputer -Identity ServerName -SearchBase $dn -Property name,ms-Mcs-AdmPwd,CanonicalName
$LAPSpwd= $computer.'ms-Mcs-AdmPwd'

To add to this I tried to Measure-Object, and all came back with ZERO

Measure-Object $LAPSPWD | measure -Line -Character -Word

Lines Words Characters Property
----- ----- ---------- --------
    0     0          0 


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