First of all. I'm sorry if my question is irrelevant, bacuse i'm new on DNS Records.

I have 2 Server, will call them #Server-1 and #Server-2.

For. eg. i have a web site with domain name www.example.com. Mail and Website running at #Server-1.


  • How can i change only web site to point #Server-2 and mail server will work on #Server-1?

Website's DNS records are as below;

A Record: example.com -> #Server-1- IP

MX Record: example.com -> Prio:0 -> example.com.

CNAME Record: mail -> example.com.

NS1 Record: example.com -> ns1.#Server1.com

NS2 Record: example.com -> ns2.#Server1.com

So how can i point only web to #Server-2. I have no access to #Server-2

Any help greatly appricated. P.S. Sorry for bad English.

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1 Answers1


You need to set up a new DNS entry, since right now since mail/web are shared on Server1. After that's complete, set the MX to the mail host & update the top-level to point to Server2.

Something like this:

example.com. IN A
mail.example.com. IN A
example.com. IN MX 0 mail.example.com.
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