I know have so much questions about it but i don't find the right answer for that searching here and in other websites sorry but I tried all. How to install Interbase on PHP because I have that php.ini and I added the line extension=php_interbase.dll or without .dll and don't work I copy the files who people say to C:\Windows\System32. I already have installed FB 2.5.

My php.ini

Firebird driver

I have apache as service without Xampp, Wampp etc... And PHP 7.4. I already connected PHP to Apache24. How to make the interbase work on PHP? The only way that works is using EasyPHP but i need to do this on a server... Thanks for all people who take a time to answer.

  • Does your error log say anything about not finding php_interbase.dll? What does `php -i` say about Interbase? – Andrew Schulman Nov 09 '20 at 15:17
  • @AndrewSchulman Nothing, don't show any line with interbase. PHP not see the extension on that php -i or phpinfo. I added the link of driver in the question... – HideMyFace Nov 09 '20 at 16:13

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