I repurposed an old AMD A10 APU-based machine that was collecting dust in my basement to act as a NAS, and eventually some other light-duty tech work. It's running CentOS 8.1, the boot disk is a 340GB hard drive I had laying around, and I have a 2TB, 2-drive RAID-1 array I put together with mdadm intended to be used mainly for the NAS. The RAID array (/dev/md0) is mounted to /media/raid0 and inside is a directory called nas set to mode 777. I have this line in /etc/fstab:

/dev/md0    /media/raid0    ext4    defaults    0    0

Samba is set to share /media/raid0/nas as a share called "fileshare". Following the SELinux recipe for Samba, I applied the samba_share_t label recursively to /media/raid0/nas and made it permanent with the semanage command.

However, when I attempt to browse \\SERVER\fileshare on a Windows machine, it says it can't connect. When I try to access it with smbclient on the server, I get kicked out with NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME. Samba's logs show repeated errors saying canonicalize_connect_path failed for service fileshare, path /media/raid0/nas.

BUT, If I disable SELinux with setenforce 0, the share suddenly works like flipping a switch. No errors, I connect with no problems.

To recap:

  • /media/raid0/nas is the path being shared as fileshare
  • /media/raid0/nas is extremely permissive (mode 777)
  • I have applied the samba_share_t label to /media/raid0/nas and it's set to be done recursively in SELinux
  • I can connect to the share without issue if SELinux is disabled (setenforce 0).

Why is SELinux still blocking this share? I'll note that I also tried moving the mountpoint to /raid0 but got the same results.

Edit: I'm seeing entries like this in my audit logs:

time->Mon Nov  2 22:41:39 2020
type=AVC msg=audit(1604374899.147:1102): avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=8091 
comm="smbd" name="/" dev="md0" ino=2 scontext=system_u:system_r:smbd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
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2 Answers2


The audit log entry says your mount point /media/raid0 doesn't have an SELinux label. Nevermind the nas directory, it can't get that far!

You'll need to set an appropriate SELinux context for /media/raid0. Restoring the default context mnt_t should be sufficient.

restorecon -v /media/raid0
Michael Hampton
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looks like it tries to descend starting from the root, inode=2, dir name=/. Means you either need to adjust the permissions accordingly from the top or put samba into a chroot-like namespace environment where same restrictions are to be loosen.

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