I am using the Bitnami Wappstack 7.4.10 in windows, with PHP 7.4 and Apache 2.4.46 . By accident I made a script that had an infinite loop that also produced an error in every iteration, so the log file grew to be very large, many gigabytes long. I deleted it, thinking that it would be regenerated automatically, but it was not. Now no error is being logged.
I tried creating one new file, it did not work. I tried coping one of the other .log files and renaming it into that, but it did not work neither. I noticed that the "owner" of the file, in the windows property, is different for those other .log files, than for the ones I did. But I was not able to change that property.
Why is this happening? How do make the logging continue again? How can I limit the log file size so I do not have to deal with a gigabytes long file again?