I have updated config of my dhcp server, so that server should get a new ipmi address. But the server stay at its old address for some time. If I do not want to wait, I want to go to the server and force it to ask for the dhcp address. Is there a special command for that?

I know I can make

ipmitool bmc reset cold

and it works, but just wondering if it is possible without rebooting ipmi.

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  • Normally change in setting need cold or warm reset for ipmi but conceptually in network when one nework card down and up setting must be renewable . Did you try to down and up your network card ? Also another ttick is set fake static ip to a card and again change ip to dhcp again – MohammadReza moeini Oct 01 '20 at 21:14
  • Why do you care about rebooting the BMC? rebooting it should have no affect on the running operating system. IF there is a logging aspect then put in a change request, though frankly unless our old lease is a week or something dumb like that you should be fine. Also Why are you running the BMC over DHCP in the first place? It is a SERVER. – Rowan Hawkins Oct 02 '20 at 14:01
  • @mohammadmoeini yeah, I also thought about such trick. Maybe even not setting a fake static ip, but just switch address source to static, than back to dhcp. But still it is a trick. – Ashark Oct 04 '20 at 17:18
  • @RowanHawkins I do not care about rebooting bmc actually, just wondering if there is a way to not do it. Looks like others also do it via bmc resetting... I have a binding of bmc mac to a static address in dhcp config. It is ok in my case. – Ashark Oct 04 '20 at 17:26
  • Typically you'd plan a change like that beforehand and reduce the lease time -- if your standard lease time is 1 day, then you'd reduce it to five minutes on the day before the change, and to ten seconds five minutes before the change, and then you get almost instantaneous switchover from all affected hosts without having to manually poke them. – Simon Richter Apr 20 '21 at 10:43

3 Answers3


I have found a solution to rerequest an address for ipmi (at least I have tested it working on Supermicro server).

The trick is to set ip address source to static and then back to dhcp. For example:

ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static
ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc dhcp

This way is faster than resetting bmc.

Note: a channel number may be different if you use non Supermicro server.

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Normally change in setting need cold or warm reset for ipmi but conceptually in network You when one network card down and up setting must will be renew. A Trick is set IP addr to static and back to dhcp setting again


If you don't want to reboot the BMC, you could set it to an invalid static IP and then reset it to DHCP using an OS based tool. How to actually do that depends on the motherboard/BMC and the OS and if special tools are needed by the manufacturer.

Rowan Hawkins
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