Good morning !

I am using Vault from HashiCorp and would like to move secrets and secrets structure around.

I have a bunch of secrets under a path, let say:

  • boo/foo/
  • boo/foo/bar/secret1
  • boo/foo/bar/secret2
  • boo/foo/bar/secret3
  • boo/foo/bar/secretn+

But I need to move all of theses secrets, or even all of foo/ under another path on my Hashi Vault.

Is there any function from the Vault API to achieve that or Ill need to wrap the API with a script to achieve that ?


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1 Answers1


So, there is no recursive (-r) function either with the API or the VAULT client. (It is documented)

So if you need to do change in ''batch'', I suggest you write a for loop that will do it for you by copying the data from one path to another, then deleting the secrets from the old path.

This is the only way.

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