I'm having a content like below inside a file.


I wanted to read the value for dataDir using Ansible and set it to a variable. I have written following code but regular expression and storing the variable both have some issues.

  - name: Read zoo.cfg content
      cmd: cat zoo.cfg
    register: zoo_config_content

  - set_fact:
      my_var: "{{ zoo_config_content.stdout | regex_search('dataDir.*')}}"

  - name: Print
      var: my_var

Q1.) How can I improve the regular expression to get only /var/lib/zookeeper ?

Q2.) How can I store that extracted value to use in another task?

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  • Please don't ask multiple questions in one question, add a separate question for your second part. But with `set_fact` you already stored the value and can use it. If you open an additional question please elaborate more what's your problem with that variable. – Gerald Schneider Sep 15 '20 at 08:56

1 Answers1


You need to add a group to your regex and a second parameter that specifies which group to return:

- set_fact:
    my_var: "{{ zoo_config_content.stdout | regex_search('dataDir=(.+)', '\\1') | first }}"

This would return an array with a single element, so I added | first to get only one element directly as a string.


ok: [localhost] => {
    "my_var": "/var/lib/zookeeper"

If the config file resides on the Ansible machine you can make it even easier using a lookup:

- set_fact:
    my_var: "{{ lookup('file', 'zoo.cfg') | regex_search('dataDir=(.+)', '\\1') | first }}"
Gerald Schneider
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  • Thanks `set_fact` works with the regular expression. But `lookup` will not work on the remote machine. Will it? The other thing that's issue with `lookup` is, the same code `lookup('url',...` runs in Linux machine but not in macOS. – AnujAroshA Sep 15 '20 at 09:43
  • You are right, `lookup` works locally, my fault. – Gerald Schneider Sep 15 '20 at 09:55
  • - set_fact: my_var: "{{ zoo_config_content.stdout | regex_search('dataDir=(.+)', '\\1') | first }}" what if the value is not avaiable will it give below result my_var: "" – divay singhal Apr 01 '21 at 10:04
  • You should ask this as a question. You can link here as a reference. – Gerald Schneider Apr 02 '21 at 05:08