I have 2 RDS databases size db.t2.medium. I went to AWS recommendations and got this:  tt

So far I've done only EC2 reservations. I am not sure how to proceed from here. First I guess I have to make the reservation on RDS menu for 8 db.t2.micro reserved instances...

And after? How can I modify existing databases to assign them 4 db.t2.micros to each one? enter image description here

  • I see where to change the instance type.... but I will be replacing one database db.t2.medium with another one db.t2.micro...
  • Maybe storage auto-escaling will do the trick?
Oscar Foley
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1 Answers1

  1. Reserved Instances are just a billing construct, if you have purchased RIs AWS will try to apply the discounts to your running instances at the billing time. I.e. you don’t assign RIs to your actual RDS instances, you get the discount automatically.

  2. Reserved Instances capacity doesn’t have to match the running instances. The price for db.t2.medium is the same as for 2x db.t2.small or 4x db.t2.micro. So if you purchase 8x db.t2.micro RI it will cover your 2x db.t2.medium. Instead of 8x micro you can purchase 2x medium or 1x large - from the billing perspective it’s the same.

Hope that helps :)

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