The current way of dealing with a SCAP configuration file is unwieldy. Let's look at the process as I read it in the documentation:

  1. Take a starting config file (CIS, DISA STIG, OpenSCAP reference)
  2. Make changes manually to reflect reference at our organization.

The problem with this that it represents a great deal of manual (error-prone) work. I did a test with a CIS SCAP file and scanned our reference OS and there were 325 differences. Multiply this by Windows, CentOS/Red Hat, and Ubuntu and version updates with new config options as time passes. And this is not counting ay local changes in config that occur. We need a good fraction of a FTE just to manage this. We do not have the person-time to make this happen.

What I am looking for is a tool that will take a reference (gold) system and build the config file. When we change the gold image, we just rebuild the config from the new image.

Does such a tool exist?


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