I have a fresh installation of CentOS 8. I installed Apache 2.4.37 from the repo. Then installed the latest ModSecurity:

dnf install mod_security -y

Checked the installation

dnf info mod_security


Name         : mod_security
Version      : 2.9.2

The required Apache modules are available / loaded:

apachectl -M | grep security -> security2_module (shared)
apachectl -M | grep unique -> unique_id_module (shared)

Installed the core rule set from the repo:

dnf install mod_security_crs

which automatically links the rules into the apache folder


Rules have been checked / are at place.

The main config file


includes necessary further config files, including the rules conf files themselves:

IncludeOptional /etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/crs-setup.conf
IncludeOptional /etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/activated_rules/*.conf
IncludeOptional /etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/local_rules/*.conf

(paths have been double-checked) and activates the rules engine:

SecRuleEngine On

The rules config file modsecurity.d/crs-setup.conf (which is included in mod_security.conf, see above) provides

SecDefaultAction "phase:1,log,auditlog,deny,status:403"
SecDefaultAction "phase:2,log,auditlog,deny,status:403"

Apache httpd.conf calls ModSecurity:

SecStatusEngine On

A restart (apachectl restart) shows that ModSecurity was loaded successfully:

ModSecurity: StatusEngine call successfully sent. <-- including LUA etc.

Tests with manipulated URLs like a script insert:


show no reaction whatsoever on ModSecurity's side. No entries at all in ModSecuritie's audit and debug log files (debug level was set to 3), no errors in Apache's log files.

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1 Answers1


I just omitted the inclusion of conf.d directory in the Apache httpd.conf. Thats why the ModSecurity engine could start, but read no rules.

I added the line

IncludeOptional /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf

in httpd. conf, and everything runs as expected.

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