I have the following fstab

UUID=3d301281-7be7-4a53-8f19-42f8c7d061d2       /       xfs     defaults,uquota 0 0

#/usr/swpDSK    swap    swap    defaults        0 0
#/usr/tmpDSK    /tmp    ext3    defaults,noauto 0 0
/usr/tmpDSK             /tmp                    ext3    defaults,noauto,exec        0 0
/var/swap.1   swap    swap    defaults        0   0

However when I reboot my /tmp looks like this

/usr/tmpDSK on /tmp type ext4 (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,discard,data=ordered)

If I do:

sudo mount /tmp -o remount,exec. It looks like the below

/usr/tmpDSK on /tmp type ext4 (rw,relatime,discard,data=ordered)

What do I put in fstab so it does NOT have noexec on reboot?

Chris Muench
  • 417
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1 Answers1


What I would do (in this case, as /tmp directories default to have noexec set), is to allow it to mount with noexec set, then add the command mount -o remount,exec /tmp in rc.local which executes after /etc/fstab.

Christopher H
  • 338
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