We are managing a migration to Office 365. I have therefore configured a server with a DC role and one with the Azure AD Connect component.
Some users had already been enrolled in Azure AD to take advantage of Office 365 licenses, while the others I had previously added locally in the DC. After the last synchronization, I find duplicates in Azure and I don't know how to manage them.
For Example: On DC - User: Paolino Paperino, account:Paolino.paperino@contoso.com, mail: Paolino.paperino@contoso.com ON Azure - User: Paolino Paperino, account: paolino.paperino@contoso.com, mail: - ON Azure ( duplicate ? ) - User: Paolino Paperino, account: paolino.paperino@contoso.onmicrosoft.com, mail: paolino.paperino@contoso.onmicrosoft.com
How could I solve this problem to combine the two users? Should I delete the user in Azure and create an alias in the one synchronized by AD?
In addition, I am notified of the "warning" that for some users the proxyAddresses field is empty. Can I directly enter the smtp alias fields in AD?
Thank you all.