When people ask on how to wipe a drive, it almost seems as if the default answer is DBAN and I am not really sure why. Especially when doing commands like
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda
dcfldd pattern="00" of=/dev/sda
dcfldd pattern="FF" of=/dev/sda
shred /dev/sda
wipe /dev/sda
cat /dev/sda | cat > /dev/sda
All of these will do the exact same thing and using a tool like hdparm to execute a secure-erase command will be much better than all of the above. Given that it will also erase those blocks on the glist,
So what makes Dban so good and so recommended. Is there a technical reason why it is recommended? To me it seems like a waste of bandwidth and a blank cd.