I need to change the advertise address of my Kubernetes master node.

I can do this with a kubeadm reset, but I don't want to lose my (rook-ceph) persistent volumes on the master node.

Is it safe to do a kubeadm reset or do I need to backup my PVs first?

Is there another safe way to change the advertise address?

1 Answers1


To not lose the data you need to backup PV and then execute kubeadm reset command.

kubeadm reset is responsible for cleaning up a node local file system from files that were created using the kubeadm init or kubeadm join commands. For control-plane nodes reset also removes the local stacked etcd member of this node from the etcd cluster and also removes this node's information from the kubeadm ClusterStatus object. ClusterStatus is a kubeadm managed Kubernetes API object that holds a list of kube-apiserver endpoints.

kubeadm reset phase can be used to execute the separate phases of the above workflow. To skip a list of phases you can use the --skip-phases flag, which works in a similar way to the kubeadm join and kubeadm init phase runners.

The "reset" command executes the following phases:

preflight              Run reset pre-flight checks
update-cluster-status  Remove this node from the ClusterStatus object.
remove-etcd-member     Remove a local etcd member.
cleanup-node           Run cleanup node.

Take a look: kubeadm-reset.

While normal usage of cluster to not lose the PV make sure that it has Retain Reclaim Policy. Otherwise execute kubectl patch pv <your-pv-name> -p "{\"spec\":{\"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy\":\"Retain\"}}". PVs then will not be automatically deleted when a user deletes claim.

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