I have two DNS Servers (Let's say A and B).

A configured as the primary/master for the domain example.com and B configured as the secondary/slave for the same domain.

B configured as the primary/master for the domain my-domain.example.com and A configured as the secondary/slave for the same subdomain.

I have A record for hostA.example.com pointed to defined in A name server (master for example.com) and A record for hostB.my-domain.example.com pointed to defined in B name server (master for my-domain.example.com).

How do I define reverse DNS zones in named.conf of A name server? Is the following configuration correct? Can I have two reverse DNS files for same subnet?

zone "2.0.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
type master;
allow-update {none;};
allow-transfer {***TRUSTED_DNS_SERVERS_BY_A_NAME_SERVER***;};
allow-query {any; localhost;};

zone "2.0.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
type slave;
masters {NAME_SERVER_B;};
allow-transfer {***TRUSTED_DNS_SERVERS_BY_A_NAME_SERVER***;};
allow-query {any; localhost;};
Patrick Mevzek
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  • "Can I have two reverse DNS files for same subnet?" No, or at least not in the same view. Your setup is quite complicated, why having B a primary for a zone delegated out of A for which B is secondary? PS: please do not obfuscate IP addresses badly. I edited your post. – Patrick Mevzek Jun 16 '20 at 13:55
  • Thank you Patrick! Actually these name servers located at two different places. People at the location which the B name server is located should have the capability of adding entries for the zone delegated out of A. – Damith Jun 16 '20 at 16:39

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