I have a file server(2008 R2) running on my on-prem environment. I have around 400 users in my environment. I want to migrate this server to the Azure cloud with all SMB permissions. At the same time, I want users to access it over the public internet.

As an example, let's assume there is a user called "Jhon" who has full control of a specific folder in the on-prem file server. Once the server is migrated to the Azure cloud, Jhon should be access it over the public internet without having any VPN connections. Moreover, Jhon should have his previous SMB access.

What is the best solution for this kind of scenario?

Assume no prem is sync with azure ad and azure adds is deployed.

1 Answers1


Have you read about "Azure Files"?

This should tie nicely with your current Azure ADDS deployment.

There are some limitations though, beware of them before you decide on this solution: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/files/storage-files-faq

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