I was thinking of mirroring a couple of directories across a number of (Linux) servers on my local network.

Google gave me this article. But it is almost 10 years old. So, I image the state-of-the-art may have changed a bit.

I would appreciate an update. Are there any new alternatives?

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    Do you need concurrent read/write activity, or the mirrored copies will be read only? Do you need block level or file level replication? What will the intended workload be? – shodanshok Jun 07 '20 at 12:22

2 Answers2


check on their git and release pages if they are still active ,

you should know before what you want to deploy , shared block storage ( e.g. a virtual disk ) like ceph or drbd , or a shared filesystem , like glusterFS / globalFS

recommendation: use glusterfs with bit-rot and 3+ machines :

  • you can mount with a fuse or nfs ( small files , e.g. php are very slow over fuse )
  • there is a fallback mechanism when a server fails
  • it is well documented and widely used
  • it has advanced features like geo-replication and bit-rot and self-heal
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Obviously it depends on your requirements, but consider also SyncThing.

You will have to manually indicate the private IP directions of the peers to your nodes as (currently, for updates see here) only the public IP gets automatically announced by SyncThing. EDIT: Syncthing now announces the private IP also (in a secure way) as implemented here so there's no need to manually specify it.