I'm little confused, because I found two different instructions about creating RAID0 with LVM. First resource shows way of creating RAID0 wit this pattern:
lvcreate -i[num drives] -I[strip size] -l100%FREE -n[lv name] [vg name]
but looking into official manual, it shows little different approach to do, at least I think, the same task.
lvcreate --type raid0 [--stripes Number --stripesize Size] VG [PVs]
In the second example, we tell explicitly that we are dealing with raid0. I'm not sure now, which pattern is correct. I tried first one and created lvg without problems, but not tested yet deeper.
There is also second question I would like to ask before I mess up my computer ;)
I have two same ssd drives - I want to speed up my performance of system and games. I want to make RAID 0 out of them and recently, I found article saying that it could be done with LVM.
I'm quite surprised, that setting this raid is made on the last "layer" of LVM - logic group. I would expect it to happen on the level of creating volume groups and then create normal partitions on top of raid 0.
Just to make sure, is this going to work well?
sudo lvcreate -i2 -I4 --size 100G -n root lvm-system /dev/sda /dev/sdc
sudo lvcreate -i2 -I4 --size 4G -n swap lvm-system /dev/sda /dev/sdc
sudo lvcreate -i2 -I4 -l 100%FREE -n games lvm-system /dev/sda /dev/sdc
I would appreciate any help!