I'm trying to configure nginx as a reverse proxy server for a web application on a back-end Domino server. We have 99.9% working, but that last 0.1% is really bugging me.
I'll explain. In some cases, the application returns a partial refresh with a special response header called X-XspLocation
. If it exists, it contains a url to be redirected to by the client. It's a header generated and used by the XPages environment, my code itself doesn't set or read it. Its value is then:
and I want it to be just this: /ThankYou
I tried in a million ways, but it seems impossible to alter its value. As soon as I use proxy_hide_header X-XspLocation;
no new headers can be added using add_header
! If I leave the hide out, I get double values in the header, so I know my replacement value is correct. Here's my latest attempt that failed:
map $sent_http_x_xsplocation $xsplocation_new {
"~http://localhost:81/database.nsf/page.xsp/(.*)" "/$1";
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:81/database.nsf/page.xsp/;
# redirect X-XspLocation
proxy_hide_header X-XspLocation;
add_header X-XspLocation $xsplocation_new;
#add_header X-XspLocation2 $xsplocation_new;
I even tried with njs to change the header, it probably failed because I don't know how to use js_set or js_content to call a function that doesn't return anything.
Why is it so darned difficult to modify a response header??
The real question is of course: how can I make this work?? Thanks for your assistance!!
More info
In order to prove that the map works, I tested with the following:
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:81/database.nsf/page.xsp/;
# redirect X-XspLocation
# proxy_hide_header X-XspLocation;
# add_header X-XspLocation $xsplocation_new;
add_header X-XspLocation2 $xsplocation_new;
The result is now that the original header plus the new header X-XspLocation2
are present, and the 2nd one is exactly what I need in X-XspLocation
By the way, nginx version: nginx/1.18.0 on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (My client's provider's system, not mine...)
The full censored config file
map $sent_http_x_xsplocation $xsplocation_new {
"~http://localhost:81/database.nsf/page.xsp/(.*)" "/$1";
server {
listen 4443 ssl;
server_name www.myclient.nl;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/www.myclient.nl.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/www.myclient.nl.pem;
# do not allow google to index this website
# TODO: remove when going to production
add_header X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow, nosnippet, noarchive";
# replace redirects in response header fields Location and Refresh
proxy_redirect http://localhost:81/database.nsf/page.xsp/ https://www.myclient.nl:4443/;
proxy_redirect http://localhost:81/ https://www.myclient.nl:4443/;
# tell domino not to encode the response so we can use sub_filter
proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
# substitute response content
sub_filter 'localhost:81' 'www.myclient.nl:4443';
sub_filter 'www.myclient.nl' 'www.myclient.nl:4443'; #TODO: remove when going production
sub_filter '/database.nsf/page.xsp/' '/';
sub_filter '/database.nsf/' '/other/';
sub_filter_once off;
# Domino
location = /favicon.ico {
access_log off; log_not_found off;
proxy_pass http://localhost:81/database.nsf/Images/favicon.ico/%24file/favicon.ico;
# root / homepage
location = / { proxy_pass http://localhost:81/database.nsf/page.xsp/HomePage; }
location /names.nsf { proxy_pass http://localhost:81/names.nsf; }
# XPages
location /xsp/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:81/xsp/; }
location /domjava/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:81/domjava/; }
# training
location ~* ^/.*-training/(.*) {
proxy_pass http://localhost:81/database.nsf/page.xsp/training/$1;
location ~* ^/(.*)-training$ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:81/database.nsf/page.xsp/$1;
# image resources - any case insensitive match with 'images'
location ~* '/images/(.*)$' {
proxy_pass 'http://localhost:81/database.nsf/Images/$1';
# images referenced from css in file.xsp have this url, redirect to backend correctly
location ~* '/file.xsp/images/(.*)$' {
proxy_pass 'http://localhost:81/database.nsf/Images/$1';
# file resources
location /file.xsp/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:81/database.nsf/file.xsp/; }
# other resources
location /other/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:81/database.nsf/; }
# all other urls
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:81/database.nsf/page.xsp/;
# redirect X-XspLocation
#add_header X-XspLocation $xsplocation_new always;
proxy_hide_header X-XspLocation;
add_header X-XspLocation $xsplocation_new;