That's when I run the command 'virt-install'
virt-install --connect=qemu:///system --name=mymachine --ram=4096 --vcpus=2 --check-cpu --os-type=ubuntu --vnc --accelerate --disk=/home/myuser/mymachine/mymachine.qcow2,sparse=true --network=bridge:br0
Things I've already checked out:
- kvm modprobe is running (checked with lsmod | grep kvm )
- Virtualization is enabled on my bios
- The flag --hvm
More info:
- Hardware: HP laptop with Intel CPU I5
- OS: Manjaro 20.04 (arch)
- Package: libvirt from community
Virtualbox runs fine so I'm a bit puzzled here. Also, on my other computer the command runs correctly. Any idea about what could be going on?