I have recently enabled the customer key on my o365 tennant.

I have been able to set my mailboxes DEP with the following :

Get-Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -DataEncryptionPolicy "MyDEPPolicyNmae"

Now I'm trying to set the default DEP for new mailboxes.

I've looked in Set-MailboxPlan and in Set-MailboxCASPlan but i can't find any setting related to the DEP...

How do I define the default DEP on my Exchange online tennant ?

Remy Grandin
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2 Answers2


Based on my research, you couldn’t set default EDP for mailboxes via Set-MailboxPlan or Set-MailboxCASPlan.

If you want to set default EDP only for new mailboxes, I believe scripts will be a better way to do this. But I’m so sorry for that I’m not good at scripts, you could seek for a script expert who will give the most accurate advice.

Joy Zhang
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Assign a DEP to a mailbox in Exchange Online

Set-Mailbox -Identity <MailboxIdParameter> -DataEncryptionPolicy <PolicyName>

Validate that the DEP Policy has been assigned to the mailbox.

Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity <GeneralMailboxOrMailUserIdParameter> | format-list IsEncrypted

The identity parameter can be the username, useralias and can be the the domainname\username format.

The proper output from the return on validating is "true"

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  • Thanks but that's just to assign a DEP to an exiting mailbox, not to set it as the default for any futur new ones... – Remy Grandin Apr 24 '20 at 22:39