I'm using a CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) instance that was stripped down to run off a thumb drive. Now I just need to capture a window.

My question is what yum install command would get me there? Is gnome-panel-screenshot what I need?

I tried to install gnome-utils, but

    # yum install gnome-utils 

    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
     * base: linux.mirrors.es.net
     * epel: sjc.edge.kernel.org
     * extras: repos.lax.quadranet.com
     * nux-dextop: mirror.li.nux.ro
     * updates: mirror.keystealth.org

No package gnome-utils available.
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1 Answers1


OK, this led to the answer, found in How to look up yum package names

# yum search screenshot 

============================== N/S matched: screenshot ===
gnome-screenshot.x86_64 : A screenshot utility for GNOME

Followed by yum install gnome-screenshot, man gnome-screenshot, ...

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