I'm trying to setup Ajax Push Engine (http://ape-project.org) on a CentOS server. I've installed the APE Server and verified that it is running correctly. I setup a subdomain on a separate IP, but I still can't get the javascript to connect. I think I am setting up the virtual host incorrectly, but I'm not completely sure.

<VirtualHost *> 
        Servername domain.com 
        ServerAlias ape.domain.com 
        ServerAlias *.ape.domain.com 
        DocumentRoot "/home/domain/public_html/ape/" 

The DocumentRoot is what is confusing me. If ape.domain.com is supposed to point to the APE Server at port 443, what would the DocumentRoot be? I have it set to the folder that stores the JS, but it just shows those files in the browser when I try to connect. I tried changing httpd.conf's "Listen" to just the IP of the site and no the IP of the subdomain, but I still didn't see any difference, and this caused httpd to crash about every 30 seconds. I'm hoping I am just making some obvious mistake that I am overlooking.

James Simpson
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1 Answers1


Try this:

open your httpd-vhosts.conf file... I'm not sure where that is located on your computer... I'm using a Mac and for me its under /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

look at what NameVirtualHost is set as.

set <VirtualHost> to the same thing... this is what mine looks like:

NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName localhost
    DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents"
<VirtualHost *:80>
   Servername localape
   ServerAlias ape.localape
   ServerAlias *.ape.localape

   DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents/APE"

Hope that helps