I use proFTPD on debian 8. For some reasons i need users that can only access to their documentroot. I already configured this and it works but only when i connect in FTP.
If the user connect on SFTP, he will be able to access at the entire FTP.
How can i do ?
I found how to correct my problem.
1) I stoped proFTD because it cause problems. I swich on the default SSH server od my debian server
2) All of the folders are owned by root:root and with 755 perms. In my case, it was /
, /var
, /var/www
, and /var/www/dev
3) The SSHD config was :
Subsystem sftp internal-sftp
Match Group dev
ChrootDirectory /var/www/dev
ForceCommand internal-sftp
AllowTcpForwarding no